Pre-production: Writing a
Remember, the purpose of a treatment is to sell your
idea, so be clear about what makes your idea different and distinctive!
In the media industry this treatment will probably be
altered slightly by the commissioning editor to suit their purpose.
A treatment will include the following:
- Classification / genre
- Duration
- Summary of programme idea including content, narrative, location(s) and what makes it different
- Audience
- Similar / comparable programme examples
- Price / budget
- Equipment
- Actors and production team required
- Any ethical issuesYour treatment should be no longer than a couple of sides of A4 paper.GENRE: Comedy, we chose this genre because we thought that choosing this genre would bring a huge audience as it is one of the most successful genres in the film industry.DURATION: 3 minutesSUMMARY: Romaine is frustrated and annoyed in detention, whilst everyone is out at lunch. Romaine is alone thinking whether to leave the detention without permission, he does so and leaves rapidly towards the ‘Street’. Romaine will enter the canteen feeling relief as he is collecting his food, Ricardo is also in a rush and steals Romaine’s food and quickly runs for the canteen doors.AUDIENCE: 13+ because people younger would not be able to understand.SIMILAR PROGRAMMES: The Inbetweeners without dialogueBUDGET: £2.50EQUIPMENT: Camera, Adobe Premiere Pro, Mac.ACTORS: Romaine,PRODUCTION TEAM: Stacy, Ricardo, Kimberley, Donelle, RomaineETHICAL ISSUES: N/A